序号 |
篇名 |
期刊名称 |
通讯作者或第一作者 |
期刊类型 |
发表时间 |
1 |
Assimilating remote sensing data into a crop model improves winter wheat yield estimation based on regional irrigation data |
Agricultural Water Management |
靳宁 |
2022 |
2 |
The Responses of Maize Yield and Water Use to Growth Stage Based Irrigation on the Loess Plateau in China |
International Journal of Plant Production |
靳宁 |
2020 |
3 |
Mapping Irrigated and Rainfed Wheat Areas Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data |
Remote Sensing |
靳宁 |
2016 |
4 |
Hyperspectral identification of cotton verticillium disease severity |
Optik |
靳宁 |
2013 |
5 |
Effects of water stress on water use efficiency of irrigated and rainfed wheat in the Loess Plateau, China |
Science of the Total Environment |
靳宁 |
2018 |
6 |
Fast extraction of winter wheat planting area in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain using high-resolution satellite imagery on a cloud computing platform |
International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering |
靳宁 |
2022 |
7 |
Attribution of climate and human activities to vegetation change in China using machine learning techniques |
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology |
靳宁 |
2020 |
8 |
Assimilating remote sensing data into a crop model improves winter wheat yield estimation based on regional irrigation data |
Agricultural Water Management |
靳宁 |
2022 |
9 |
Spatial and temporal patterns of agricultural drought in China during 1960-2020 characterized by use of the crop water deficit Abnormal index |
Journal of Hydrology |
靳宁 |
2023 |
10 |
Spatiotemporal Patterns and Characteristics of PM2.5 Pollution in the Yellow River Golden Triangle Demonstration Area |
Atmosphere |
靳宁 |
2023 |
11 |
Prediction of initiation time of corrosion in RC using meshless methods |
Computers and Concrete |
要玲 |
2015 |
12 |
Prediction of Chloride Diffusion in Concrete Structure Using Meshless Methods |
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering |
要玲 |
2016 |
13 |
Time-FractionalModelof Chloride Diffusion in Concrete: Analysis Using Meshless Method |
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering |
要玲 |
2020 |
14 |
Prediction of Chloride Diffusion in Concrete Structure Using Meshless Methods |
Advances in Civil Engineering |
要玲 |
2020 |
15 |
A Hybrid Decision Support Model Using a Trapezoidal Fuzzy-Based Multi-Attribute Preference Model with AHP-Entropy for Groundwater Remediation Selection |
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution |
任丽霞 |
2022 |
16 |
An interval-valued triangular fuzzy modified multi-attribute preference model for prioritization of groundwater resources management |
Journal of Hydrology |
任丽霞 |
2018 |
17 |
Rough-interval-based multicriteria decision analysis for remediation of 1,1-dichloroethane contaminated groundwater |
Chemosphere |
任丽霞 |
2017 |
18 |
Monte Carlo-based interval transformation analysis for multi-criteria decision analysis of groundwater management strategies under uncertain naphthalene concentrations and health risks |
Journal of Hydrology |
任丽霞 |
2016 |
19 |
Characterization of monochlorobenzene contamination in soils using geostatistical interpolation and 3D visualization for agrochemical industrial sites in southeast China |
Archives of Environmental Protection |
任丽霞 |
2016 |
20 |
Enhanced electrokinetic technologies with oxidization-reduction for organically-contaminated soil remediation |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
任丽霞 |
2015 |
21 |
A new approach for the effective removal of NOx from flue gas by using an integrated system of oxidation-absorption-biological reduction |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
杨景瑞 |
2021 |
22 |
Ammonium removal characteristics of an acid-resistant bacterium Acinetobacter sp. JR1 from pharmaceutical wastewater capable of heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification |
Bioresource Technology |
杨景瑞 |
2019 |
23 |
Simulated soil organic carbon stocks in northern China’s cropland under different climate change scenarios |
Soil & Tillage Research |
贾海霞 |
2021 |
24 |
Sand-fixing Function under the Change of Vegetation Coverage in a Wind Erosion Area in Northern China |
Journal of Resources and Ecology |
巩国丽 |
2014 |
25 |
Water-compatible surface molecularly imprinted polymers with synergy of bi-functional monomers for enhanced selective adsorption of bisphenol A from aqueous solution |
Environmental Science: Nano |
段菲菲 |
2016 |
26 |
Preparation and evaluation of water-compatible surface molecularly imprinted polymers for selective adsorption of bisphenol A from aqueous solution |
Industrial Engineering Chemistry Research |
段菲菲 |
2014 |
27 |
Efficient adsorptive removal of dibenzothiophene by graphene oxide-based surface molecularly imprinted polymer |
RSC Advances |
段菲菲 |
2014 |
28 |
Effect of Hydrothermal Treatment on Precipitated Iron Catalyst for Fischer–Tropsch Synthesis |
Catalysis Letters |
马彩莲 |
2015 |
29 |
Surfactant-Assisted Preparation of FeCu Catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis |
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society |
马彩莲 |
2015 |
30 |
Effect of PVA Concentration on Structure and Performance of Precipitated Iron-Based Catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis |
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society |
马彩莲 |
2017 |
31 |
基于多光谱卫星模拟波段反射率的冬小麦水分状况评估 |
农业机械学报 |
靳宁 |
EI |
2020 |
32 |
黄河金三角地区城市O3污染的时空格局演变特征 |
环境科学研究 |
靳宁 |
核心 |
2024 |
33 |
基于CBAM-U-HRNet模型和Sentinel-2数据的棉花种植地块提取 |
农业机械学报 |
靳宁 |
EI |
2023 |
34 |
基于绿色发展理念的山西水资源利用效率区间多指标评价研究 |
中国农村水利水电 |
任丽霞 |
核心 |
2021 |
35 |
一株好氧反硝化菌的脱氮特性及其氮代谢机理研究 |
工业水处理 |
杨景瑞 |
核心 |
2023 |
36 |
氧浓度对调节NOx氧化度协同CABR法脱硝性能及菌群结构的影响 |
化工进展 |
杨景瑞 |
EI |
2022 |
37 |
Cu助剂对聚乙烯醇辅助沉淀铁催化剂费托合成反应性能的影响 |
燃料化学学报 |
马彩莲 |
EI |
2018 |
38 |
基于绿色发展理念的山西水资源利用效率区间多指标评价研究 |
中国农村水利水电 |
任丽霞 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
39 |
烟气中NOx脱除技术的研究进展 |
化工环保 |
杨景瑞 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
40 |
新疆焉耆盆地绿洲区农田土壤有机碳储量动态模拟研究 |
生态学报 |
贾海霞 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
41 |
碳中和背景下基于 DNDC 模型的晋中盆地农田土壤有机碳含量动态研 |
低碳世界 |
贾海霞 |
国家级 |
2023 |
42 |
三江源区退化高寒草甸蒸散特征及冻融变化对其的影响 |
生态学报 |
田晓晖 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
43 |
RWEQ模型中风因子的改进及应用 |
中国水土保持科学(中英文) |
巩国丽 |
中文核心 |
2021 |
44 |
京津风沙源区生态保护与建设工程对防风固沙服务功能的影响 |
水土保持通报 |
巩国丽 |
中文核心 |
2020 |
45 |
RWEQ模型中土壤结皮和可蚀性因子的改进和应用 |
水土保持通报 |
巩国丽 |
中文核心 |
2018 |
46 |
草地覆盖度变化对生态系统防风固沙服务的影响分析——以内蒙古典型草原区为例 |
地球信息科学学报 |
巩国丽 |
中文核心 |
2014 |
47 |
利用稳定氢氧同位素定量区分白刺水分来源的方法比较 |
生态学报 |
巩国丽 |
中文核心 |
2011 |
48 |
太原市环境空气质量监测优化布点研究 |
山西化工 |
巩国丽 |
省级期刊 |
2022 |
49 |
多孔碳纳米球水相吸附四溴双酚A的性能 |
新型碳材料 |
段菲菲 |
中文核心 |
2019 |
50 |
焙烧温度对聚乙烯醇辅助共沉淀铁基催化剂费托合成反应性能的影响 |
星空入口官方网站学报 |
马彩莲 |
省级期刊 |
2018 |
51 |
阳泉市秋冬季水溶性离子污染特征及来源分析 |
地球与环境 |
王成 |
核心 |
2023 |